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Orchard School District

Orchard School District
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Orchard’s Special Education Individual Education programs follow the guidelines established by the Santa Clara County Office of Education for the development of a specialized program of services for students who are identified as students with special needs. Orchard School District adheres to a service delivery model that embodies the philosophy of Inclusive Education.

The range of special services covers students who are ages 3 to 15 years, from preschool to 8th grade. The Individual Education Plan (IEP) is a written statement determined in a meeting of the IEP team, including the parent, and developed for each child with a disability. The IEP will show a direct relationship between the present levels of performance, any assessments, the student’s goals and the educational services to be provided which assures a free and appropriate education as guaranteed under federal law, IDEA-97.

Special education is designed to meet the unique, educational needs of children with disabilities. Children may receive special education services under one (or more) of following eligibilities: Autism or autistic-like behavior, Deaf-blindness, Deafness, Emotional disturbance (ED), Hearing impairment (HI), Intellectual Disability (ID), Multiple disabilities (MH), Orthopedic impairment (OI), Other health impairment (OHI), Specific learning disability (SLD), Speech or language impairment (SLI), Traumatic brain injury (TBI), and Visual impairment (VI).

For more information on Orchard's Special Education Program, please contact Dustin Carota:
Please send all special education record requests to

Special Education



Orchard School District is a member of South East SELPA.  The SE SELPA coordinates with 11 school districts and the Santa Clara County Office of Education to provide a continuum of programs and services for individuals with disabilities, from birth through 22 years of age.  Additionally, the SELPA Community Advisory Committee (CAC) parent group provides support, information, training opportunities, and valuable resources for parents, guardians and the local community. The SE SELPA Office is located in Mt. Pleasant School District.  For more information about the SELPA and the CAC please visit the SE SELPA website at

The SELPA Local Plan including the Annual Budget and Services Plans, Public Hearing Notices, and Executive Council Meeting agendas can be found here (with this link to the SELPA website).
Stephanie Rasquinha
SDC Preschool Teacher
Brandon Delapaz
RSP Teacher
Mark Pham
SDC Teacher
Jennifer Simmons
SDC Teacher
Clelia Mayorga
Administrative Assistant
Jennifer Jones
Speech/Language Therapist
Jason McDill
SDC Teacher
Brenda Sandoval
RSP Teacher